Game of Shrooms 2023

 The Totally Not Evil Robot Army will be participating in the 2023 Game of Shrooms!

For information on the Game of Shrooms check out the website:  Game of Shrooms

Update: Unfortunately the Mushrooms were vandalized today. I have cleaned up the remaining parts.  :(


Your first clue is that, it will be located in/around/near the Golzheimer Friedhof in Golzheim/Pempelfort Düsseldorf.

In the heart of the city, in Golzheimer's old ground,
Where people once rested, now joy can be found.
A park full of whispers, stories of old,
Look for the treasures that here are held.
Off KleverStrasse, 'neath the city's tall towers,
In the midst of the greenery, amidst blooming flowers.
Seek where the sunlight, through leaf canopies peeks,
There lie the prizes that every seeker seeks.


Amongst the bark's cradle, and leaves of green,
Three hidden treasures are waiting to be seen.
Shy mushrooms hiding, their caps held high,
A secret well kept under the open sky.


Near two monuments, still standing proud,
Mushrooms are nestled, away from the crowd.
Silent observers of a game that's afoot,
Their secrets kept safe, hidden under soot.


Listen to the whispers of the rustling leaves,
Feel the magic that the twilight weaves.
In the heart of the city, treasures take flight,
In the game of shrooms, under the moon's soft light.


Happy are they who tread with a keen eye,
For they might glimpse where the mushrooms lie.
Enchanting and joyful, this game in the park,
Find the hidden fungi before it gets dark!


So venture forth, with a heart full of cheer,
A journey of discovery, is drawing near.
In the game of shrooms, joy, and fun, 
The hunt is on, let it be done!


Clue #1 they are in the Golzheimer Friedhof, the old city Friedhof that is now a city park. 

Clue # 2 they are close to KleverStrasse!

Clue #3 - Here they are nestled grown amongst the trees...

Clue #4 - they are nearby these two monuments...

Good luck, I hope you find them!  If you do, please take one!!
If you can, leave a comment for me. Thanks!

The Shrooms are Growing!

... Shrooms are Grown and ready for their SECRET GARDEN!

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